Common Pathway for a Claim Under FECA

Mar 21, 2022 | FECA Resources

Step 1:

Complete the Appropriate Documentation

You must notify your employer and/or OWCP of your injury with a form CA-1, CA-2, or CA-2a.

Form CA-1 – Notification of Traumatic Injury

It may be filed on paper or electronically via ECOMP Portal.

Report should be submitted to supervisor or OWCP as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days from the date of injury. If this is not filed within 30 days from the date of injury, you will only have 3 years from the date of injury to file for compensation.

Your supervisor must submit the form CA-1 to the District Office/OWCP within 10 days.

Form CA-2 – Notification of Occupational Disease

An occupational disease is one where your medical condition is caused by events or exposures that have taken place across multiple shifts.

It may be filed on paper or electronically via ECOMP Portal.

You must claim compensation within 3 years of when you knew or should have been aware of the existence of the condition.

You should be provided with a checklist, Form CA-35 A-H, which lays out the medical information necessary. Please see the link below for the necessary forms for your claim.

Form CA-2a – Notice of Recurrence

Filed for a recurrence of a disability or a worsening of a previously accepted covered condition.

May be filed on paper or via ECOMP Portal

Pay attention to instructions on the form and be sure to include “ bridging” information which describes your condition and your job duties between your original injury and the recurrence.

Your treating physician will need to provide a medical rationale causation report. See form CA-35 A-H.

Step 2:

Claim Review

OWCP assigns a claim number and your Claims Examiner


Receiving an OWCP claim number does NOT mean your claim has been accepted


When your claim is accepted, you will get an acceptance letter
listing your accepted conditions.


Your Claims Examiner will be your primary contact for your claim.

Step 3:

Schedule Awards

Awarding a Schedule Award


If your claim is open, OWCP will pay for your physicians’ impairment rating for your Schedule Award.


Schedule Awards under FECA require the use of the AMA Guides, 6th Edition.


Our office will take care of the pre-approval process for your Schedule Award.


We will notify you when we have submitted your impairment rating report for your Schedule Award. You must then submit a form CA-7 to OWCP claiming compensation.


Impairment ratings for Schedule Awards can be submitted every
year if your condition worsens or recurs.

Take the Next Step

Contact Us to Help With Your Impairment Assessment
(270) 554-4820


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